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Supporting Healthy Aging Through Parks and Recreation 4.0


The SHAPR 4.0 grant will open on September 23rd and provides two opportunities for applicants: 

1. Instructor Trainings for one of five Arthritis-Appropriate Evidence-Based Interventions (AAEBIs)*. This opportunity is ideal for organizations that may be newer to offering regular chronic disease management and/or programming for older adults as part of their physical activity and health education offerings. This opportunity includes up to 2-instructor trainings (for one AAEBI) and all program start up materials (participant books, equipment, etc.). The duration of this award is 18-months (starting in November 2024 - April 2026). 

*Each AAEBI is described in detail in the sections that follow

2. Instructor Trainings (same as above) AND membership in a health equity focused Community of Practice (CoP): This opportunity is ideal for organizations that have sustained regular chronic disease management and/or programming for older adults as part of their physical activity and health education offerings. The purpose of the CoP is for Park and Recreation professionals to engage in formal and self-paced learning opportunities regarding NRPA's Elevating Health Equity Through Parks and Recreation: A Framework for Action while implementing AAEBIs in their community. The duration of this award is 18-months starting in November 2024 - April 2026) 

AAEBI Instructor Trainings

All applicants will apply for instructor trainings, participant materials, and start up materials for one of the five evidence-based physical activity programs listed below. If you have a question about the best AAEBI fit for your organization, please contact HealthyAgingInParks@nrpa.org 

  • Active Living Every Day (ALED) - a behavior-change 12-week program that teaches inactive people the skills necessary to overcome barriers to physical activity engagement.
  • EnhanceFitness (EF) - a behavior-change 16-week program for those at any level of fitness that motivates individuals to stay active and live independently.
  • Fit & Strong! (F&S!) - a multi-component physical activity and behavior-change 8 or 12-week program that teaches inactive adults with joint pain and stiffness and/or lower extremity pain and mobility issues how to engage in safe and effective exercise.
  • Tai Chi for Arthritis - this program is for people with mild, moderate and severe joint and back pain. It is especially appropriate for adults who have a higher risk of falling.
  • Walk With Ease (WWE) - a multi-component, low-impact 6-week walking program that teaches people how to safely and comfortably incorporate physical activity into their everyday lifestyle.

Membership in a Community of Practice

Applicants may also apply for membership in a Community of Practice (CoP) to work with NRPA’s Health Team to implement NRPA's Elevating Health Equity Through Parks and Recreation: A Framework for Action. The Community of Practice (CoP) offers in-depth training and technical assistance program focusing on centering equity practices for system changes and building partnerships with community-based organizations (CBOs) to help support the delivery of these evidence-based programs to all community members. Up to 15 applicants may be selected for this opportunity.